通用住房应用程序  能力建设 持续护理 协调入境制度 文件共享 资金 HMIS 无家可归的数 资源管理系统 住房扩展 LA-HOP 法律事务 MyOrg  政策 退伍军人名单 环境服务管理(现金娱乐网注册职员) 五强所有应用程序

In 2010, Los Angeles began laying the groundwork for a 协调入境制度 (消费电子产品展) to coordinate providers’ efforts, create a real-time list of individuals experiencing homelessness in our communities, and a means to efficiently and equitably match people to available 住房 resources and services that best fit their needs.

2011年初, an early system version was put into practice in a series of pilots in Skid Row, 洛杉矶无家可归者的聚集地超过5人,000名最脆弱的人, 长期无家可归者. 在经过一系列的试验开发了这个系统之后, 它被介绍到洛杉矶县的七个社区. In 2014, 消费电子产品展 expanded to reach all eight Service Planning Areas (SPA) in LA County.

消费电子产品展, 就像今天一样, 分为三个系统,为成年人服务, 有孩子的家庭, 和横跨八个spa的Youth. 人 and their information are added to a data-base called the 现金娱乐网注册less Management Information System (HMIS) and are then 被称为 to different resources across the County that match their needs.

As defined by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Coordinated Entry is "a process developed to ensure that all people experiencing a 住房 crisis have fair and equal access and are quickly identified, 评估, 被称为, and connected to 住房 and assistance based on their strengths and needs.从2013年开始, HUD began requiring recipients of federal 持续护理 (CoC) or Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) funding to practice Coordinated Entry, as its efficacy had been proven in a number of different communities with significant homeless populations

现金娱乐网注册, as both the CoC lead and the homeless services system lead agency in Los Angeles, ensures that Coordinated Entry is practiced by managing the 协调入境制度, 为无家可归者提供服务的有组织的网络, 系统资助者, and other partners from across the County who coordinate their resources and services according to a set of common principles and shared procedures. 这些原则对以下方面的方法进行了标准化:

  • 人们如何获得服务以及如何评估他们的需求.
  • 如何优先分配有限的资源

消费电子产品展 is held together through the use of a data-bsbase accessible by providers in 消费电子产品展 called the 现金娱乐网注册less Management Information System (HMIS). HMIS holds the information of 消费电子产品展 participants and is integral to how homeless individuals are prioritized, 被称为, 并在它们走向住房的过程中进行跟踪.

Using its joint powers authority as a City and County government agency, 现金娱乐网注册 also works with neighboring CoCs and Cities to strengthen the network of 消费电子产品展 providers and even help to coordinate care outside of the CoC or 消费电子产品展 jurisdiction.

消费电子产品展 is based on four core principles: respect, accountability, consistency, and integration. These principles can be seen through the following actions that all staff involved in 消费电子产品展 practice every single day.


We use client choice and strengths-based approaches to inform participants of services, 住房, and referrals in order to respect the whole person without reducing them to their 住房 need alone.

除了, 我们采用具有文化竞争力和基于证据的做法, recognizing the unique needs of each population and subpopulation we serve.


We use strategic prioritization to ensure that people are connected to 住房 and services appropriate to their needs and eligibility, and to match those with the greatest needs to limited resources.


Service providers and systems partners across LA County create continuity for 消费电子产品展 participants by aligning programs within and allocating resources throughout 消费电子产品展.


所有人都应该拥有安全稳定的永久住房. We work toward that outcome by interviewing people to help find interventions that are right for them. We keep our services "low-barrier", so all are invited to participate.

We help create opportunities for people to succeed by focusing on their strengths and abilities, and by using Housing First and other evidence-based practices that recognize the autonomy of the person being served.


洛杉矶县的所有人都有公平和平等的机会参加消费电子产品展. All 消费电子产品展 locations and methods offer the same assessment approach and referrals using uniform and transparent decision-making processes, promoting consistency and efficiency across providers and regions.


Service providers and other stakeholders across LA County share a mutual responsibility for system improvement, 共享资源和知识, and working collectively to end homelessness across the county.




消费电子产品展 has programs that are tailored for people experiencing homelessness from each of these household types. Not all programs in 消费电子产品展 will be available for each age group. 例如,有些节目可能只对成年人开放.

除了这些, there are programs that provide services for specifics groups, such as those who are fleeing domestic violence and those who identify as U.S. 军队退伍军人. 如果你属于这些特殊的群体, consider visiting the Get 帮助 page to get in contact with a program.

  1. Access | We do our best to help you access services in an area near you.
  2. Assessment | The second step is to provide some basic information about yourself and your situation. This way, we can connect you with resources and help you on your path to 住房.
  3. Prioritization/Referral/Matching | Staff can help you problem solve, 参考资源, 并帮助你完成下一步. Depending on your situation, you may be eligible and/or prioritized for various resources.

如果你经历过虐待, 虐待, or any other kind of bad behavior at one of our contracted facilities, 让我们知道, and we will help to resolve your issue as quickly as possible.